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Surviving the Internet of Things (IoT)

As companies race to compete by moving product and services to the internet, are they taking too much risk? In a study from cmo.com :

  • As many as 27 percent of senior executives rate digital transformation as now being “a matter of survival,” yet 33 percent of organizations see the digital transformation as a huge challenge.
  • The majority (87 percent) of companies think that digital transformation is a competitive opportunity but only 48 percent say they feel highly proficient with digital transformation marketing.
  • 51 percent of senior executives believe it’s critical to implement digital transformation in the next 12 months and over half cite a lack of familiarity with technology to be a barrier to digital transformation.

But are companies prepared? Do they have a solid security strategy to secure and protect their products and services?

The Ponemon Institute reports that 79 percent of security executives they are not prepared for a cyber incident. The time to take action is now. If companies wait until their is a problem their risk and costs escalate immensely.

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